This Online-Shop uses the secure SSL protocol (Secure Socket Layer).
All data will be encrypted with SSL and transmitted to Childhood Dreams Shopping Server.
SSL is a standard to encrypt the data in the Internet between the WWW server and a client (you as a customer).
You can detect SSL also in your browser.
You will also notice that most browsers will show a symbol for SSL in the control line .
Security Notice: For the administration of the shopping cart the server needs to set a 'Cookie'.
A 'Cookie' cannot cause damage to your computer. It is only used for that the server can recognize you when you visit the homepage again.
Privacy Policy:
We collect and process your personal information fairly and lawfully in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.
We only use them for handling of your order and - if you explicitly agree - send you an email for new products. You can always cancel this email.
The responsible of the right treatment of the personnel data is Mr. Wolfgang Faust.
Your personal information will only be used for processing of all processes related to your ordering process.
If you pay by debit or credit card, the necessary information is provided to the company TeleCash.
If you pay by PayPal, the necessary information is provided to the company PayPal.
For shipping the necessary data are passed to the company DHL.
If you claime the insurance protection by Trusted Shops, the necessary data are passed to Trusted Shops.
Your credit Card data will only be stored, if you have agreed. Only cardtype, Card number and expiry date will be stored. The security code will not be stored. You can always ask to delete the date by a mail to
It should be remembered that the person whose personal data is processed, has the right of access, rectification and opposition to the processing of his personal data and the right to block or delete this data.
You can exercise this right by contacting the service (+49 6023 999867).
End of Privacy Policy
If you have registered, you will get a message by email. You can always cancel yor registration.